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The master’s Metropolitan Analysis, Design & Engineering (MSc MADE) is an interdisciplinary master’s programme of both Wageningen University & Research and Delft University of Technology that focusses on sustainable development. You will learn to create innovative solutions for the challenges that metropolitan regions are facing in securing environmental change, urban sustainability, and the quality of life in cities. This two-year master’s in sustainable development is entrepreneurial in approach and takes place in the urban context of Amsterdam. In the MSc MADE program, you will tackle particularly complex problems deriving from urbanization including mobility and logistics, water and waste management, and energy and food security. You will work together in multidisciplinary student teams to reflect and work on solutions to questions like: How to keep our metropoles connected? How to aim for the circular city? And, how to safeguard its vitality?


The MADE programme trains students to identify and analyze contemporary metropolitan challenges and create innovative and sustainable solutions. Over the course of two years, students are provided with thorough training in academic skills and project work. The MSc MADE is connected to the inter- and transdisciplinary research portfolio of the two partner universities, AMS Institute, and industrial and societal partners.

Being situated in Amsterdam and at AMS Institute gives students a unique study context and better access to urban research and industry networks. The AMS Institute is the home-base of MSc MADE and is located in the heart of Amsterdam. Situated at the nexus between industry, government, and academia, AMS Institute works on jointly developing and valorizing integrated metropolitan solutions. MSc MADE is strongly connected to both inter- and transdisciplinary research portfolios of the two partner universities and AMS Institute’s activities and network of industrial and societal partners.


You can find more information about the programme on the website of WUR!




Metropolitan Challenges
12 EC

In this course on metropolitan challenges, students are introduced to various typologies of metropolises throughout the world, with the city of Amsterdam as a real-life example. The course covers all aspects of what makes a metropolis.

Entrepreneurial Thinking
3 EC

This course is aimed at introducing students to entrepreneurial thinking behaviour, specifically in the context of the challenges in urban environments. Students learn the basic principles and concepts of entrepreneurial thinking and practice entrepreneurship-related thought experiments.

Data 1
3 EC

In the Metropolitan Data 1 course, students are familiarised with techniques for acquiring, processing, modelling, analysing, and understanding complex data.

Data 2
3 EC

The Metropolitan Data II course links the Big Data Analysis topics as learned in Metropolitan Data I to the specific geo-data gathering, handling and visualizing concepts. The course intends to make you aware of the integrative strengths and weaknesses of geoinformation regarding metropolitan solutions given living lab settings.

Metropolitan Innovators
6 EC

This course enables Metropolitan Innovators to identify and evaluate metropolitan challenges from three main perspectives: socio-technical, ecosystems and spatial justice. The course thereby offers the theoretical and conceptual tools to analyse and discuss metropolitan challenges and the possible implications of proposed solutions.

Entrepreneurial Skills
3 EC

Whereas Entrepreneurial Thinking focussed on creating a project vision and building a strong team, Skills has a focus on learning through entrepreneurship. You will employ, practice and develop entrepreneurial skills in a real context, namely your own entrepreneurial (group) project.

18 EC

The electives allow for self-designed tracks in Wageningen and Delft University of Technology to facilitate specialisation.

Metropolitan Sollutions
12 EC

In this course, students are divided into different teams to work on a specific real-life and current case.



Living Lab
24 EC

The living lab course supports cooperation with public or private partners in the Amsterdam metropolitan region.

Professional Profile​
6 EC

Via interactive sessions and workshops, students receive input and feedback from fellow participants and experienced trainers. Depending on the student's crossover MADE profile, the course results in a business model design, a PhD proposal, a governance arrangement, a policy paper or an abstract representation of a firm or (N)GO.

30 EC

The thesis course supports an advanced theoretical understanding of metropolitan complexities, and of related methods needed to substantiate innovative socio-technical solutions.

Study Association MADE IT

Kattenburgerstraat 5

1018 JA Amsterdam



MADE IT is the independent study association of MSc MADE at AMS Institute



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